At Pinpoint Manufacturing, we sell high-quality lifting bags to numerous companies across various industries. Due to this, our clients have very different needs. We are committed to fulfilling these needs the best we possibly can. This means customising our bags to meet each of your specific requirements.

Previously we have tried to pre-empt orders by stocking popular bags in our warehouse; however, we soon discovered that customers would rather wait for us to make new bags with slight differences, such as different colours or lifting eyes. This resulted in us holding bags for months on end in our warehouse, putting strain on our storage space. We have since decided that all our bags will be made to order. We appreciate this can cause issues with extended lead times during busy periods, but it allows us to continue to tailor-make our bags to your unique needs.
We pride ourselves on offering as much choice as possible in our customisations, and this has been one of our unique selling points over the years. For example, on some of our large lifting bags, we offer pallet feet as an additional option because we recognized the difficulty some customers were having moving the loaded bags without hoisting them.

We also offer several different lifting eyes on our bags, ranging in size and shape. The correct lifting eye varies depending on what you will be lifting and the shape of your hoist.

On our bags with square or rectangular bases, we offer external and internal trays as an option. Again, this allows you to modify the bag to best suit your requirements. For example, if you will be using the bag to carry objects with sharp edges, you may wish to get an internal tray which protects the fabric from being pierced. This internal tray can be further modified to section off parts of the bag to make multiple compartments within it. Depending on the bag’s intended use, we can even make these removable. On the other hand, you may choose to have an external tray put in to protect the outside of the bag from being pierced if you are going to be dragging the bag on a rough surface.
For our bags with rounded bottoms, instead of a tray, we offer plastic inserts which provide protection and help the bag retain its shape.

The above examples are some of the more functional modifications we offer, but we have more ways you can customize your lifting bags. Examples include adding a window pocket, reducing the WLL you want to be displayed on the label, selecting from 10 different colour options, and even adding a bespoke label to your bag.
With over 150 bags in our range and so many customisations available, you may feel hard pushed to make a choice, but don’t worry, we’re here to help design the perfect bag for you. Take a look at our website for ideas, ring our team on 01792 851298 or complete our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!