Was unsere Kunden sagen
Was unsere Kunden sagen
The bags to date have been excellent and withstand the harsh environments offshore in the North Sea, additionally, Pinpoint are always very accommodating in the bespoke requirements to tailor design the bags exactly to our needs and requirements
Scott Fraser, CAN GROUP
Pinpoint have provided us with tool lifting bags, we are very happy with their customer service and products’
Natural Generation
Having ordered items from the standard range & also commissioned custom made bags I can honestly say it’s always a pleasure dealing with Pinpoint. We always receive quality designed & manufactured products – which is paramount for the punishment the bags receive out on-site.
Simon Boddison, EDSHV
The Service provided by Pinpoint is second to none and this is matched by the quality of the products they provide us with. Pinpoint are able to supply us with bespoke lifting bags that are specific to the requirements of our sites and the relatively short lead times are also a bonus
Kevin Welsh, Siemens Gamesa
They say “a man is only as good as his tools” That surely must include the bags he carries them in? As a service and maintenance provider to over 100-turbines across Northern Ireland, Everun Ltd relies on the excellent quality of Pinpoint lifting bags for hoisting all our tools, gas bottles and components safely and securely to the nacelles. Great products from a great company!
Ian Hutchinson, Everun Ltd
Top quality bags which we certify for them.. If you are on the lookout for lifting bags I can recommend using Pinpoint products!
Russell Bratcher, Lloyds Beal Site Services Limited

All seams are taped and sealed to prevent contents from escaping, such as liquid from oil drums. Our bags are crash/drop resistant.

A rigid external polyethelene tray is bolted to the base of each bag, extending its lifespan. The tray enables the user to drag the bag on any surface without damaging it, or its contents.
Easy to use

Extreme weather conditions can make bags difficult to open, so we have incorporated an additional finger grip and a pull-strap on the opening flap for easy opening-whatever the weather.
Side handles are fitted to the bags to enable dragging.
The load capacity is displayed on an easy-to-read panel on the front of each haul bag to ensure that operators know the load capacity.
Closing Features

Double closure fixtures make our bags especially safe. As well as the standard external closure there is an additional internal closure which prevents contents from escaping.

Alle Nähte sind verklebt und versiegelt und verhindern das Entweichen des Inhalts wie z. B. Flüssigkeit aus Ölfässern. Unsere Hebesäcke sind aufprallsicher und schlagresistent.

Eine mit dem Boden jedes Hebesacks verschraubte steife Polyethylenplatte sorgt für lange Lebensdauer. Dank dieser Platte kann der Sack auf beliebigen Oberflächen entlanggezogen werden, ohne dass er bzw. sein Inhalt beschädigt wird.

Extreme Wetterbedingungen können das Öffnen eines Sacks erschweren, daher haben wir eine zusätzliche Griffmulde und eine Zuglasche auf der Öffnungsklappe vorgesehen, um das Öffnen bei jedem Wetter leicht zu machen.
Seitliche Griffe dienen zum Ziehen der Hebesäcke.
Die Tragfähigkeit ist vorn auf jedem Transportsack gut lesbar angegeben, sodass der Nutzer stets eindeutig hierüber informiert ist.

Doppelverschlussmechanismen sorgen für maximale Sicherheit. Zusätzlich zum normalen Außenverschluss haben wir auch innen einen Verschluss eingebaut, damit kein Inhalt entweichen kann.
Unsere Hebesäcke im Einsatz

Todas las costuras están selladas y sellados para evitar que el contenido se escape, como líquido de tambores de aceite. Nuestras bolsas son resistentes accidente / gota.

Una bandeja de polietileno externa rígida está atornillado a la base de cada bolsa, ampliando su vida útil. La bandeja permite al usuario arrastrar la bolsa sobre cualquier superficie sin dañarla, o de sus contenidos.
Fácil de usar

Las condiciones climáticas extremas pueden hacer bolsas difícil de abrir, por lo que hemos incorporado una ranura de agarre adicional y una correa extraíble en la solapa de apertura para una fácil apertura sin importar el clima.
Asas laterales se ajustan a las bolsas para permitir arrastrando.
La capacidad de carga se muestra en un panel fácil de leer en la parte frontal de cada bolsa plazo para que los operadores saben que la capacidad de carga.
Dispositivos de cierre

Accesorios dobles de cierre hacen las maletas especialmente seguro. Así como el cierre externo estándar hay un cierre interno adicional que evita que el contenido se escape.
Nuestras bolsas en uso